Sunparlour Players, Harrow Fair, Fembots, Miranda Mulholland, Anna Atkinson, Kristine Schmitt, Henry Svec, Hailey Gillis, Jimmy Byron, Ron Leary, Local 164, Warped 45s, Jenny Omnichord, Little Miss Moffat, Jesse Corrigan, Polka Dogs ****Andrew has appeared on over 60 records in various genres.****

THEATRE (selected):

Mirvish/Crows Theatre/Musical Stage Company “Natasha, Pierre And The Great Comet Of 1812” (Canadian Premiere - Dora Award Winner, Toronto Theatre Critic Winner)

Soulpepper Theatre - various productions (Dora Award Wins and Nominations)

Crows Theatre/County Stage Players/Stratford Festival “The Shape Of Home” (Dora Award Winner (Best Musical Direction), 9 Dora Award Nominations, Toronto Theatre Critic Nominations)

Kitchenband (“Boblo” (*Winner - Dora Award best Composition & Sound Design), Nominee – Best Ensemble, Best Production) , “Reesor”, “Pelee”, “Detroit Time Machine”, “Petrichor”, “Drive”

Crows Theatre - “Ghost Quartet” (*Winner - Toronto Theatre Critics Award (Best Ensemble), Dora Award Nominee (Best Production, Best Musical Director)

The Stratford Festival (Tyrone Guthrie Award)


Necessary Angel

The Theatre Centre

Musical Stage Company

Belltower Theatre (“The Unforgetting” Summerworks Jury Prize)

Native Earth

Obsidian Theatre

Absit Omen

Die In Debt

Thousand Islands Playhouse

****Andrew has worked as an actor, musician, composer, musical director and sound designer in theatre.****

 FILM and TELEVISION (selected):

“Small Town Murder Songs”, “Cooking With Stella”, “One Week”, “This Beautiful City”, “Lost Girl” (various episodes), “Eadweard” (Leo Award Nomination), “Who Is KK Downey?”, “The Determinsit”, “The People We Meet”


DONAIR ACADEMY is the first educational computer game about the Halifax donair. Explore the historical, gastronomical, and acoustic dimensions of this celebrated Maritime dish. One never knows when donair knowledge will come in handy.